
The world is a vampire


12-24-2016, 08:30 AM

His ear flicked at the sound of Mercy's growls while he forced himself to keep his eyes off of them. He could have just walked away, and he probably would have, but Mercy's moan made his gaze slide over to her, watching her from the corner of his eye. His tail flicked behind him, but his eyes couldn't leave the pair of them while the smaller woman returned some of Mercy's teasing. The scent of Mercy's heat certainly wasn't doing him any favors either, making him frustrated in a whole different kind of way. He fought with himself for a moment, but as much as he hated it he knew he couldn't resist her. He'd never been able to, what made him think he could start now? His ruby gaze lingered on Ira for a moment, but his main attention and focus was on Mercy as always.

A low growl sounded in his chest as he gave in and turned toward Mercy's rump, breathing in her scent while he brought his muzzle to her hip and caught her skin between his teeth. Did Ira understand how Mercy liked to play? If she didn't she'd find out soon. Gethin parted his jaws and wrapped his teeth around the curve of his vicious beauty's flank, biting down into her skin with a sharp growl. He tasted her blood on his tongue and a rumble of a moan left him. He bit down a tad harder just to deepen those small lacerations he was leaving across her skin before he finally let go so he could run his tongue over the wound to lap up the light stain of blood. His eyes flicked up, meeting Ira's for a moment. His gaze narrowed into a glare as he looked at her. He still didn't like this, but he knew that he would do anything that Mercy wanted. He could talk a big talk, but Mercy had him wrapped around her paw.

"Talk" "You" Think