
These voices



7 Years
Athena I

12-25-2016, 05:32 PM

Zuriel had her nose to the ground as she sniffed at a promising patch of herbs. It wasn't motherwort, but it could be a good addition to her stock. Rebuilding the stock that she had made when she lived in Celestial was going to be a tall order, especially with little pups in the way. A sigh passed her lips at the thought, but she brushed it off as she started to gently pull off pieces of the young yarrow plant, making a small pile of it on the ground beside the stem. She didn't want to take too much and end up killing the poor thing, but she figured she might as well make use of it while she was here.

She gathered up her find gently between her teeth and lifted her head, turning around to head back toward home. However, when her eyes lifted up off the ground she stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes grew wide and the pieces of yarrow fell from her mouth. It felt like her heart had suddenly stopped and she couldn't get air into her lungs. If she hadn't been sniffing so carefully at the small flowers she would have noticed him sooner. She would have been able to smell the scent that had all the memories from that night rushing back from the place in the back of her mind where she had hidden them. Her instincts were screaming at her to run, but her logic told her that she wouldn't be able to run far in her condition. She shouldn't be running this far along in her pregnancy anyway. She really shouldn't have come out here in the first place. She should have asked someone to come with her.

But she didn't do any of that. Now she was standing there face to face with the red eyes that haunted her dreams. "Elias..." she breathed while she wondered if she would even have enough air in her lungs to call for Faite. Surely her howl would reach Lirim's lands. She hadn't gone that far. But she couldn't make the sound leave her throat. It was happening all over again. This fear that had her frozen in place. "Please, I... I was just trying to find some herbs..." Her voice was so quiet she could barely hear herself over the rush of the blood in her ears.

"Talk" "You" Think