
These voices



7 Years
Athena I

12-25-2016, 06:59 PM

Zuriel blinked and her brows pulled together with confusion while she watched him. This wasn't the same wolf that had towered over her in the weak moonlight. This wasn't the same wolf that she felt breathing on the back of her neck and biting into her scruff that night. She watched as he sank to the ground, laying on his stomach while he seemed to be battling something. She had mentioned to Faite that something hadn't been right or stable in him, but she hadn't known how true that was. She probably would never know how true that was if she was being honest with herself.

Her ears flicked at his voice, hearing him as he tried to tell her that he had come to apologize. Her two-toned blue gaze lingered on him uncertainly as his eyes flickered open and lingered near the ground at her paws. Had it been anyone else, had it been any other time, her instincts as a healer would have immediately kicked in and she would have started running through all of the ways she might be able to possibly help. Mental things were much harder to help than the physical, but... There had to have been something she could have done. There had to be some kind of herb that could at least help him calm down whatever was bothering him.

But this wasn't someone else and this wasn't some other time. This was the man that had lured her in during the dead of night when she was alone and raped her. This was the man that had raped her. Left her terrified of every bump and sound. Left her pregnant. And yet... As she watched him there, telling him how guilty he felt and how much rage he felt at himself, she wanted to believe him. The part of her that tried to see the good in others still hadn't died. She was more sceptical and cautious now, but she still wanted to believe that he wasn't just an evil brute.

A slow sigh passed her lips and she tried to force some of the tension out of her shoulders. She kept a fair distance between the two of them still, but that intense, paralyzing fear had calmed some. "I don't know what to say..." she replied softly, watching him carefully. Zuriel cursed her ingrained need to help others. It was just about impossible for her to ignore. "Will you let me help you? I don't know how I will, but... It's... It's not fair to leave you alone with whatever this is. You've already done your worst to me. Unless you try to kill me you can't possibly hurt me worse than you already have." She tried to pull herself up if for no other reason than to make herself feel a bit more confident in it all, her necklace shifting against her chest.

"Talk" "You" Think