
These voices



7 Years
Athena I

12-26-2016, 04:16 PM

She took a deep breath, making herself calm down and relax a bit. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest thing to do and perhaps she should have just walked away from him when she had the chance. Instead she was standing here, watching him struggle with his own thoughts and trying to be patient to wait for an answer. His gaze opened and she watched as his red eyes settled on her chest, probably on the necklace that he had been fixated on during their last meeting. She wasn't sure what about it caught his attention so much, but she was glad it was giving him something else to focus on.

As she stood there she kept questioning why she was even trying this. For all intents and purposes he was her attacker and she shouldn't be giving him an inch. Instead something in her was telling her to give him a mile. Since she was a pup she had a fascination with healing and helping others. Now it seemed like not even being raped was enough to break that need in her. Seeing him like this now she firmly believed that he wasn't in his right mind that night. It was going to take a long time for her to forget that night, but... this helped.

His concerns were more than valid. They were realistic. She had no promises for him, no possible solutions... yet. Her education had been fairly limited to her own trial and error and what information she could gather from Erani as a child and Kavdaya during her time in Celestial. There was so much left for her to learn. There had to be some way to help him. There was probably no way to heal him completely, but she could help. She firmly believed that much. Was it worth the risk of possibly being hurt by him again? Did she want that around her pups?

His insistence that most of his bloodline were good wolves did give her some comfort. That had been a concern for her, that some of this might be genetic, but maybe they could dodge a bullet. Besides, she was half of this equation and she couldn't think of a single wolf in her family with this kind of problem. "I am," she replied simply to his question of if she was going to keep them. That had never been a question for her. "They're mine. No matter how they happened... they're mine." This was the first time she had said that out loud and as she said it she felt a protectiveness over them. She surprised even herself with how sure she sounded and felt as she spoke those words. These were her children.

"Elias, I'm going to look for solutions for you. You don't have to take my help, but I'm going to try. Don't ask me why because I don't have an answer for you." She hesitated for a moment before she added, "I'm... glad I saw you again. It makes me feel better for them." She glanced away from him for a second, looking back toward home. "Just do me a favor and don't come near Faite's pack or my brother's pack until I figure something out. They're going to have a bounty on your head." She shifted on her paws, knowing that she needed to get back home before she got too tired to get there.

"Talk" "You" Think