
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)


06-22-2013, 05:57 PM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


There were too many people joining in, too much of a crowd. All Champion wanted to do was focus on the fight. For one thing, a good bit of bloodspill was always entertaining, but mainly because of all that was at stake. The tension in the air was so thick it could've been bitten into. And speaking of the air - the mammoth she-wolf turned her head from the combatants - was that Miss Secret's scent she smelled? Maybe she was wrong but it seemed to becoming from the twin clearing just a little ways off where Kaios was fighting for his own life. Why would Secret be there for that? 'To cheer on an old pack mate' was the first idea, but Champion had been in Tortuga with Kaios too, he wasn't exactly the type who inspired lasting loyalties.

Oh well, she'd figure out that stuff later. Frankly, she didn't care if Kaios died in a fair death match. Her attention was on her friend. If Newt went down... Champion wasn't sure she'd be able to hold herself back.

Ah, but there she was being as silly as the pups. She'd gauged these two warriors. Newt was clearly the better fighter, but only so long as she didn't get too cocky and clumsy about her size. Champion had done alot of training with much smaller wolves to keep herself quick and alert. True, they could whip themselves around easier, but so long as one knew how to handle their own muscles, they barely needed to move.

Champion's ears ticked forward to catch the Queen's words as Newt displayed her terms -her right as the challengee- and offered the first move to the stranger -a risk and an honor. Champion caught every word that was said, and perhaps more importantly what went unsaid. She caught the queen's look. Champion returned it with a so and steady nod. She knew her duty. But her gaze was was drawn away by a much younger, more innocent creature, murmuring up from beneath her shadow.

"Aunt Champion..." Amevia said. It was enough to touch the heart of any warrior.

It was quite a sight to see the bear sized she-wolf lower her muzzle and cock a polite ear to to the pup's muzzle so that she could better hear her questions. But they were sad ones, fearful ones. Champion gaze Amevia's head a lick with her giant pink tongue. "This is the way of warriors, little one. This the way of the world - it is seldom fair. But the strongest ones edure and win out in the end, just as your mother will. Stay by me and watch; you will see." It was a hard lesson to swallow, espically at such a time, but Champion did what she could to soften it with a firm, gentle tone, and she shifted her paws to better shelter the little pup if she wished.

Everything was going to be just fine.

Back to the fight, her attention turned. The challenger, calling herself Medusa, was speaking - yada, yada, yada - main point being that she refused to accept the terms and spat back the offer of starting the spar.

Geez. This was a fight right? Champion understood that some wolves simply did better when fighting on the offensive, but if this stranger was trying to come off as threatening and capable, she was doing a pretty poor job of it. Then again, that could be a tactic all in itself. Champion steadied her gaze upon the Grey Lady as Newt made ready to begin the dance. She would releaize this? Yes?

As the clash began, Champion no longer had eyes for the other watchers or the other battle. Her whole being was tuned in on the rush of paws, the flying of fur, and the fury of snarls....