
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



2 Years
Extra large
12-26-2016, 08:30 PM

Things were already so different! He'd barely gotten used to the noisy estuary when Momma said they were moving. She'd done her best to explain to them that they were going to be joining this strange thing called a pack and that she'd be an alpha, their leader, but Rory hadn't really understood much of what she'd said. He got the idea that leader was something important, but the whole pack thing didn't make a whole lot of sense quite yet, but he was more than excited already!

They left and he watched as their mom went ahead of them. He stuck to his dad's side and grinned the whole time as they walked. He kept eyeing the rest of his siblings as the entered the valley and that's when he heard Faite's howl. Ears perked up on top of his head the best they could and the next thing he knew Kairi was racing ahead. He glanced towards Zell to see if this was okay, but Breasal running after her soon caught his attention and he quickly forgot that they were supposed to stay close by.

Laughing wildly he chased after them but by that point Zell was running to. He arrived after his father and slowed just enough to creep in between their mom's legs as Zell confronted a weird deformed looking wolf. He'd never seen a wolf's back stick out like that so his head cocked to the side as he made himself comfortable practically underneath Faite. Was the guy even a wolf? Then there was the pretty purple eyed looking male. He was just as big as their dad! And then there was a pretty gray lady that they'd met already. He faintly understood that she was family. Then a pretty pale lady came with a hare and his tail thumped wildly as she placed it in front of his mom. Was that for them?! He listened as she talked to Mom, but he didn't hear anything about the rabbit so his face fell slightly. Maybe it wasn't?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]