
So Tell Me You Want Me



10 Years
Athena I
12-26-2016, 08:45 PM

After Zuriel left to explore the world it got Baine thinking. She really hadn't left Celestial much other than short trips out to find her littermate or little bits of exploration here and there. Very rarely had she left the western portion of Boreas and that really wasn't saying much since most of it was covered in desert and she couldn't do much with that! With that in mind and with nothing else to do with her time she set out of her den early in the morning with a bit of exploration in mind. She wasn't sure where she was heading, but she just chose a direction and set off toward it.

She found the ocean after a while and she smiled as she looked out over the waves. The ocean had always amazed her. It was so massive! She couldn't tell where it could possibly end. However, as her pale pink gaze drifted down the coast she noticed something she hadn't seen before. Curious, she turned toward the new spot of land and padded over toward the land bridge. Baine paused at the beginning of the strip of sand, glancing back over her shoulder the way she came. She didn't know how long this strip of land was or where it led. She considered going back home and telling someone she would be gone longer than she expected, but... Ah well. It wasn't like she was leaving for weeks on end or anything.

She turned back toward the landbridge, her necklace swinging against her chest for a moment as she trotted out onto the sparkling sand. It was gorgeous with it's multi-toned, glittering sand and the water lapping on either side of her. It felt almost magical in a way. As she continued on she spotted a dark figure lying on the sand ahead of her. Maybe he knew more about the area! She padded over to him with a slight smile on her muzzle. "Hello there," she said as she stopped a couple of feet away. "Sorry to bother you. I was just doing some exploring around here since I've never been out this way before. Do you know this area very well?"

"Talk" "You" Think