
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



6 Years

12-26-2016, 08:52 PM
ooc: I just want to respond to this now so my meeting post isn't absolutely gigantic with greetings. Everyone still has until January 3rd to get their wolf in for the first round.

The first to arrive was Ritsy which was a small surprise to her. She'd ran into the male only days ago and invited him to join her, but she hadn't quite expected him to be first. Still she offered him a broad smile as he called his nickname for her and flung himself into her side. She braced herself and took the impact (not that there was much of one) easy enough since he hadn't put any force behind it. She offered him a friendly tail wag and a soft bump of her shoulder.

"It's good to see you could make it Ritsy."

The approach of a stranger soon caught her attention. He was as large as Zell will purple hues and a strong stature. She smiled at him warmly and her ears flicked towards him as he greeted her politely. The manners were a nice touch and her tail wagged once again as he revealed he was without a home, but was willing to see if he could join hers instead. "My name is Faite Adravendi. You're certainly welcome to join us. I look forward to getting to know you." It was hard to imagine her call had attracted a stranger, but she was excited for it. She'd managed to gain just enough followers to start her pack, but if others were interested as well then that was even better.

Zuriel had arrived as well and she offered her sister a friendly tail wag. She knew this was a big step for her. All she'd known was Celestial and being surrounded by the bulk of the family. Helping her start something new, with pups on the way no less, was certainly something Faite appreciated. It also meant she could keep an eye on her and see if Elias dared to show his face again. Having a pack meant she could also have others on the look out for him if he ever came to Lirim to look for her sibling.

Kairi arriving brought her attention away and she stared down at her with a chuckle as the girl went out of her way to stay as far away from Ritsy as possible without getting too far away from her. She was just about to reassure Kairi that Ritsy was friendly when Zell's large form roughly pushed its way in between herself and Ritsy. The growling caused her ears to flatten against her head as she glared at him. She opened her mouth to snap at him but paused when her other kids pooled around her feet. Then Stardust arrived to distract her further and she forced a friendly smile on her face as the other woman dropped a rabbit at her feet.

"I hope the Valley proves to be a suitable home. I tried to find a place with nice soil for herbs, but I suppose we won't really know until spring. Until then I hope you're able to find a good den and if you need help getting your herbs please tell me."

With all the formalities out of the way she turned her attention back towards Zell and glared at him again. She was disappointed that a dramatic scene had already taken place at the very first meeting. She'd expected friendliness and smiles and everyone getting acquainted with one another. She hadn't expected everyone to be best friends right away, but she hadn't exactly expected Zell to go rogue on her either. What had that been about?

"Zell, Ritsy is a friend. He didn't mean me any harm."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]