
And we spill out our scars



6 Years

12-26-2016, 09:12 PM

Faite had spent the better part of her trying to recover from the meeting by doing border patrols. She'd been happy to see everyone together, that all her effort had turned into this, but Zell's behavior concerned her. Why had he reacted like that towards Ritsy? The poor male hadn't done anything except greet her like he always did. Was it because Zell didn't know him or was it because Ritsy looked a bit odd and bent out of shape? It was hard to tell. She could understand getting defensive over their kids, but Zell had made it a point that he'd wanted Ritsy away from her not them. It was confusing.

She tried to put it out of her mind. Just because they had gotten off on the wrong foot didn't mean Zell would dislike Ritsy forever, right? She wanted desperately for everyone to get along. She needed things to be peaceful and calm so they could all focus on getting situated and comfortable with one another. It was too early to decipher how everything would turn out, but she hoped it all would work itself out in time. She had to expect some kinks in the plan every now and again.

Patrols were taking up a good portion of her time and kept her distracted. She'd claimed two territories from the get-go and had some work ahead of her to lay down a thick scent line. Now that the meeting was over the borders were no longer available to just cross over on a whim. She wanted to get everything established and set up so everyone would feel comfortable in their new home. Hopefully no loners would think they could just waltz in uninvited. Her mind went back to Zell again. If he'd reacted that way towards Ritsy at least she knew he'd be good against any unwelcome visitors.

She'd just finished her patrol and headed back towards the center of the valley when Ritsy's scent caught her attention. Deciding to check up on him she followed it and was surprised to see the male with his head against a tree. He smelled like shed tears and he looked upset. Concern crossed over her face as she approached him.

"Hey Ritsy, are you okay?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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