
Show Me How To Be Whole Again


12-27-2016, 07:27 AM

Liviana nodded in agreement when Lyre described how the people are more important than the places. Her old home had not really been anything spectacular. It served its purpose and provided them with a place to live and food, but she had seen some much more interesting sights since coming here. What really mattered was her family and old pack mates. The wolves that had fought alongside her for years.

She was glad she hadn't bothered Lyre with her question. She certainly didn't want to upset the woman on their first meeting. Livi couldn't imagine never living in a pack. There was very little time between when she left her father's pack and when she joined Abaven and she couldn't say she had enjoyed it. "Well, you can count be as a friend if that helps. If haven't really made any friends yet so we can help each other out," she replied with a slight smile. She didn't know much about Lyre yet, but they both needed the little bit of companionship so she didn't see any harm in offering it.

"Abaven is a lot more calm than my old pack," she commented thoughtfully. "We fought with other packs pretty constantly back home. We were the strongest pack and almost always won, but it certainly made us some enemies in the process." That's why her remaining family was so slim these days. If any of them were still alive now. Sometimes she wanted to travel back home to check on them, but her pride wouldn't let her face her father again. Not after how she had stormed out and cursed him to his face. She sighed softly at the thought as she looked out over the water in front of them.

Art by Evelyn