
Children of the Gods


12-27-2016, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2016, 01:40 PM by Evelyn.)

He kept his head up as he made his way through the south, not a care in the world that his sister could be starving. She was an ass to him, constantly biting him and telling him what to do. Now he was on his own and there was no one to stop him from doing what he wanted to do. He was a child of the gods, a wolf born of the elements themselves. He was unstoppable, and indestructible. It was with that attitude that he entered the gully, not even sparing a look at the landscape around him. Who cared? He was the embodiment of fire, and if he wanted to he could destroy it all. Phoenix didn't feel lonely, nor any regret for abandoning Ashelynn. She was always going on and on about how strong she was, now she had to prove it. Nose tipping upwards, his body moving with grace. There was no doubt that he thought a lot of himself by the way that he carried his form, but why would he not feel this way? He had been blessed, his ego boosted from the day that he was born on this earth. Everyone else was mundane and boring, no one could top him.

Except for her.

He looked down for a second, his eye catching the glowing wolf that moved through the dried grasses. It looked like flames danced upon her very coat, twisting around her with a grace that he couldn't hope to match. She was a goddess, an ember of the fire that he was birthed from. She was who he was looking for all this time... his mother. She had to be, there was no other wolf on this place who held a candle to him. But her? She was all he could ever hope to be. He stood stock still, dazed at her appearance. While his coat bore more yellows and reds, hers sparked like dying flames, bright oranges burning into her fur. The base of her coat was similar to his own, it wasn't hard to see that he had been born from her. While Carletta said that they were birthed from the elements themselves, it was pretty clear to see that this female was fire in wolf form. Slowly he took a step towards her, before he full out ran at her. His yellow eyes were wide and bright, an unfamiliar feeling of hope blossoming from his chest. "¡Madre, madre!" the yearling called, aiming to barrel into her right shoulder. If he was able to he would cling to her leg, rubbing his face against her warm fur. "He estado buscando por todas partes, y aquí estás. Madre, diosa del fuego y de las llamas. Tienes que ser ella."

Pheonix didn't stop to think that his mother wouldn't speak Spanish, as it was a language that the wolf who raised him had spoken. It flowed with ease off his tongue, while with the more common tongue he sputtered and stumbled. That was not the first impression that he wanted to make on the fiery female. Looking up at her, his tail wagged behind him as he finally felt all the pieces slide into place. Of course she was his mother, there was no one else like her, just him. Not even Ashelynn was close enough to her coat colours, just the lava-like markings that twisted up her legs. It was him who had been given all the power, he could feel it stirring in his gut. He was destined for great things, and now he could do them all with his mother at his side.