
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



5 Years
12-28-2016, 01:51 PM
I am my own woman !!

The call of her mother was not lost on the girl, but she found herself hanging back and staying near the tail of her father. When her sister called for them to hurry, the young girl found herself racing ahead, despite her obvious hesitance. If her mother had found enough wolves to make a pack, that meant there would be strangers. Still, she kept pace with her siblings, even daring a small sparkling laugh against her wishes. That is, until they were on the edge of the meeting place. Jaidah halted on the outer edge of the gathering, watching everything unfold before she moved. There was a rather sick near her mother, but Faite didn't seem to mind company. Her father and brother however, certainly did, and wasted no time in terrifying the poor creature until it tried to slink to the other side where her other brother and sister were.

Making up her mind, Jaidah moves to put herself between her father, brother and the strange, ugly thing they were bullying. Her legs went stiff as she put her back to the scared creature, making a disappointed face at her father. "You're scaring him!" She spoke defiantly, her masked face contorted with mixed anger and sympathy. "He is pack now, okay? And mommy didn't seem to mind him being that close." Once her mother spoke, Jaidah looked up and softened her expression when she looked back at her father.

Letting her mom handle things, Jaidah sat and stared at Ritzy. A tilt came to her head, her mismatched eyes wandering to the various missing patches of fur and scaly, scabbed bits of skin. His appearance was rather off-putting, but the harsh smell of dry, fungal skin was even more so. While she knew virtually nothing of the world, her instincts demanded she not touch him, or come too close. But, she would defend him with all her small, fragile looking body had. Her mother accepted him, and so would she, but only because it seemed like no one else would. She looked around at the other wolves present, but her fascination was held in large part for Ritzy. "Hi, I'm Jaidah!" She stated her name simply and brightly, waving her russet-brown tail behind her.

female - 0 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Jaidah's profile!