
The good, The bad, and the dirty



2 Years
12-29-2016, 03:31 PM
Salias’s ears perked as he heard the sound of crunching snow near him, there was a female walking around the area. While not too pretty he had yet to meet any wolves of this land so he had no idea what they looked like or what they behaved like. He thought it best to try and get to know this female before the chance slipped away from him, after all he would be the king within a couple of years time. He stood up and to his surprise the female spoke to him. She asked him if he knew what the structure was, “I was just wondering the same thing myself, so I am sorry I cannot answer your question as I am rather new to these lands.” A sound reached his ears as he looked off to find where it came from he saw another female approaching from what seemed to be a position of subordinance, it reminded him of how the slaves at his old kingdom approached his king. Was this girl a slave? She glanced at him then looked away, did she know who he was? Did she recognize him as the prince of his home land, this was possible but he found it unlikely. Regardless at the girl’s approach he straightened himself with pride, she looked rather interesting. Sure she had scars like the other woman did but she sported them much more beautifully, she also appeared to be a bit younger as well. He would look at her so he could address the young woman properly. “There is no need for such customs here, we are in a new land without any competent rulers. Stand up, what are both of your names?” he would look at both females “As I am sure your younger companion knows I am Salias Tooth ex-prince of Zutia.”