
Promises That Never Came [AW]


12-29-2016, 05:12 PM

She was driven here somehow... A feeling? An... Aching? She couldn't really tell what it was.But something in her heart told her it was time to come here. In the dead of night. Yes, in the dead of night she trekked miles to the north to this stupid piece of shit place that she told herself time after time that she wouldn't come back. And yet, here she was, under the moon, a chilled breeze flowing between her fur.

Her face pouted angrily as she marched her way up to the ship, mad at her brain for telling her to come here. Let's just get this over with already! Her body would stop just outside the door off the hinges on the side of her childhood home. Moments that seemed like hours, the girl would stare at the opening, eyes now softening as she looked at the place in awe. Shaking her fur, she put back on her angry face and hopped into the ship.

She started by walking to the left, into where her and her family usually slept. It was a lot smaller than she remembered it, only because she was a pup the last time she was here. Walking over to Jian's usual spot, she put her pay where her mother used to lay at night. Others had lived here well after she had left and the scent of the Leone's were well gone. No Lel, no Jian, no Calder and Armai, and no Zola and... Lian.

Turning around she would shuffle her way outside the old den, trying to escape the memories and pain she was slightly experiencing, not exploring the rest of the ship. This could have been someone's home and she was probably intruding, but the girl didn't let the thought cross her mind. She would instead exit the ship and make her way over to the ocean shore.

Stopping to look at the waves, gently crashing at her feet, she then looked up at the full moon and sat down. This was it. She was alone. Somewhere in her heart she even missed her father, and now she was really sad.

Looking back down to the swishing water, some hitting her toes she would start to cry, to bawl, and feel nothing but what she kept bottled up for the past three years. This is where her and Lian would escape the ship, this is as far as they had come. This is where they confessed their love for each other even at such a young age. They knew what it meant, their age didn't matter. She then cried up a howl to the moon, collapsing after her call took her breath away and she laid in the shoreline, shivering from her tears and the cold.

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