
A new friend, a new foe?


06-22-2013, 10:48 PM

The ground was still covered in a bunch of snow, it irritated her even more. When would winter end was the question lingering in the back of her head. The large female had ended up in a circle again, so she would simply had to head in the direction that she could smell Valhalla in. There was honestly no hope for her was there when it came to tracking. Perhaps that was the first thing Vahva would need to be trained with. She already knew enough about fighting and herbs, it was scenting and tracking she was horrible at. How the heck did an idiot like her cousin find Valhalla? Vahva wasn't entirely certain, the two year old female sighed and let out a groan before falling on the snow, her red eyes looking outwards in the valley.

"I would hate to ask for directions." She complained out loud to herself. If there was anything selfish about it Vahva wanted to handle everything on her own. She was young and still learning, but running around in a bunch of circles was getting her no where. How was she supposed to make others remember her name or create a story when she couldn't even reach her destination? "Honestly, Baka, how am I supposed to do any of those things those are your dreams, your words not mine." She stood up and shook the snow off of her vibrant blue mane.
