
Young Gods Club



6 Years
12-31-2016, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2016, 10:16 PM by Poser.)
Hey all!  So these are the adoptions for the YGC, hoping to get some activity together so I can actually get Poser’s pack started.  I do expect activity, and I know that the rules state it’s a one month revoke but know that I will be following that to the letter.  Gender and alignment are open unless otherwise sated, I do want fluid sexuality in these characters-- gods have no set sexuality and all that.  These guys are going to think they’re gods, and act like them, but how that plays out is up to you.  Outlines given below are rough, and you’re free to change designs, names, and all that.  I DO reserve the right to turn down any application that I don’t think fits the role described.  Also if anyone is interested in being involved but doesn’t like any of the ideas here please feel free to hit me up (or post here) and just let me know what you’re interested in creating.  

Domains: hills, fields, open green spaces
Symbols: tall grass, colors green and gold, springtime
Personality: emotionally open, jovial, gentle

Domains: freshwater, storms, grey days
Symbols: great blue herons, stormclouds, the smell before rain
Personality: broody, elegant, withdrawn

Domains: snow, purity, all things bright and beautiful
Symbols: white, doves, snowflakes
Personality: open, arrogant, bold  

Domains: honor among thieves, white lies, cons  
Symbols: bloody sunsets/sunrises, apex predators, rich colors  
Personality: sly, reckless, brilliant

Domains: young souls, the cycle of being, death
Symbols: hatchlings (any sort), springtime, the singing of birds
Personality: wild, warm, blunt

If you don’t want to pay for the abnormal color (moss markings) that’s fine, just a suggestion! <3
Domains: plants, old growth forests, magic
Symbols: fairy circles, moments when time seems to stop, laughter
Personality: fae-like, electric, nurturing  

I’d like for this one to be Trace’s sorta… ‘interest’ if you catch my drift, a really hard and potentially abusive cycling relationship.  
Domains: glory, gore, wreckage
Symbols: death in battle, testing the limits of mortality, flying too close to the sun
Personality: brave, insatiable, prone to violence

So this design was meant to have light dappling in that sorta swirling pattern but it got sorta lost when I uploaded it and I dunno how to fix it <3 She’s also meant to be rose grey and the color just kinda translated to pink.  
Domains: dreams, moorelands,  ghosts
Symbols: first light, misty days, swamp deer
Personality: soft, distractible, devil may care

Domains: thrill of the hunt, killer grace, living color  
Symbols: golden hour, the best day of a life, large game
Personality: unpredictable, brash, bold

Domains: professionalism, contracts, the law
Symbols: chilly north wind, death well cheated, ravens
Personality: calculated, detached, intelligent

Domains: history, family, loyalty
Symbols: historical songs, storytelling, the home
Personality: warm, soft, gentle

MUST be male, this is Poser’s original consort, and Poser thinks he’s freaking dead.  He’s also probs the only one that knows to call Poser by his old name (Maksim.)  If you’re willing to pay for it, Jett was originally a black lab but his design is easily applied to a wolf.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a reincarnation sorta story or if he’s actually not dead at all.  Your call!  <3  
Domains: youth, wild places, human structures reclaimed by nature
Symbols: fireflies, beautiful summer days,
Personality: forgiving, joyful, wild

Tbh probably Poser’s second choice for for consorting, will probs find himself competing for Poser’s attention in spite of himself.  Ideally male, but if you impress me with a female app feel free.  
Domains: darkness, shadows, smoke
Symbols: night skies, ravens, bats
Personality: edgy, tough outside, introspective marshmallow center  

The two that I play are as follows:
(Doing his join shortly)
Domains: fire, truth, passion
Symbols: the gravitational feeling of meeting your soulmate, flame, any sort of trial by fire
Personality: intense, charming, unpredictable

Domains: mischief, illusion, love between men
Symbols: long shadows, nightmares, smoke
Personality: wild, unhinged, scattered

What I'd like to see for applications:
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Changes/additions to original information provided: [/b]
[b]Intended skills: [/b]
[b]Connection to Poser/feelings/other relations: [/b]
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]