
They Call Her A Killer, A Sinner, And A Whore



7 Years
01-01-2017, 02:47 PM
Heartbeat thundering in his ears Nako tried not to suddenly ask more vehemently just who she was related to. Breath was quickening and the male closed his eyes with a grimace as Zola spoke aloud her parents names. Jian and Lel. She was his niece. He had slept with his niece. No, slept was to kind of a word for what they did. Her display before the act had lead to it being an outright rut as the harlot was satisfied. The paw that had kept Zola beside him slackened it's grip as thoughts turned to Lel. Incest with a sibling was bad enough to add to ones reputation, and like his brother and sister Nako had done to deed with a family member. This information wouldn't be shared with Zola. Nor the fact that Lel had raped his brothers wife. Incest, rapist, Lel had been a playful sibling as a pup but that had clearly been expunged from his personality. Nako's gaze narrowed as he found himself stroking Zola's hip.

He still wouldn't tell her. Not directly at least. "Those are names I haven't heard in a long time." Nako found himself saying. Hopefully that was enough to cover up the question about her lineage. Sleeping around wasn't such a bad way to live. Many females had found their way underneath his chest and their hips being held by his paws as they were well tended to. Zola was no exception to say the least but an indescribable sadness was made it's way into Nako's thoughts as any sense of a pleasurable aftermath vanished. Just what had driven her away from her parents? His siblings. Asking was out of the question but burned as strong as a wildfire, such was his need to know. After all these years here was his chance to ask about his real littermates born from Alena. Nako placed a single lick between Zola's ears and let out a hum as the two of them continued to rest.