
Acere & Pyralis Praetor



6 Years
Extra large

01-01-2017, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2017, 07:52 AM by Elias.)

WARNING: These two have graphic histories, definitely enough to be considered mature. I strongly advise you to turn away if you're uncomfortable with things like domestic violence. As you continue, keep in mind that I assume that you are okay with reading about the heinous acts that have occurred in their history. It makes them who they are today, so.. yeah.

Some of their history was revealed in my roleplay with Shelby, here.

You only really need to read Elias' first post.

Acere (male) and Pyralis (female) are the half-siblings to Elias and Eliana. The litters share the same father, but have two different mothers. Since Elias' mother is actually the one who carries their mental disorders, these two are actually relatively sane. Their family has always had a bit of a temper and protective nature to them, but what wolf family doesn't? :') Lol. So anyway, nothing like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia for these two. Though they might suffer from a bit of the trauma they were put through as kids.

Acere and Elias grew up pretty much inseparable, best friends and at the same time rivals. They pushed each other constantly and got into trouble. It was these two that wandered out and picked a fight with a bear when they were six months old, and their father lost his life defending them on that day. Their pack changed leaders after that, and they were under rule by a really evil man that sort of killed the boys' love for one another.

The alpha at the time was named Dae. Pyralis had always been a bit of a tomboy, growing up she was just as rowdy as her brothers and surpassed most of them in their physical training. She is an insanely strong woman, and that's precisely why a sexist ruler like Dae did what he did to them. When they were teens, Acere was ordered to mount/rape his own sister, Pyralis, and refused. Even when Dae broke his legs, Acere did not attack back. He refused to be a part of Dae's violent ways, and had two of his limbs broken. Eventually he received a headbutt, and drifted in and out of consciousness as the rest of the event took place. Elias was then called to come finish the job, and that moment had a lot of impact on Elias. He did his first personality switch, and did what Dae ordered him to do. The things he said to Pyra are things she likely won't forget. Elias helped nurse the both of them back to health, kept them fed and tended to their wounds but nothing was ever really said. They healed, and together with some of the other siblings, they killed Dae and Elias took over the pack. Pyra and Acere left the pack, and Elias and Eliana have not seen either of them since then.

Pyra had always been an antagonizing spitfire. She loved to tease, taunt and do basically anything to get her brothers to attack her first, so she could lay them out flat and further assert her dominance. She's a handful at times, but she had a soft spot for pups and companions. She was often out in the wild helping orphaned deer and other sick or wounded animals. It seemed her demand for dominance really only occurred within her pack, to outsiders she was quite nice.

Acere was usually pretty quiet growing up. He didn't have a lot to say, but most of it was said to really get Elias going and stir up some trouble. Acere is supposed to be really smart, cunning and a bit manipulative. He is protective of his family like the rest, of course.. and they all share this sort of.. unconditional twisted love for one another, but he wasn't above telling a few lies to fabricate a story compelling enough to get someone to do what he wanted them to.


They probably won't have the happiest of reunions, in fact I really expect both Pyra and Acere to fight Elias as soon as they see him. Mainly because Elias is going to be pissed that they left for so long, despite what happened. I do want them to get over it though. Maybe fight out their difference, get some dominance established once again between three of them, and then band together. :) If you're interested in playing either, please let me know. I'll pm you my skype and we can talk about it!

Edit: I had a thought that Acere and Elias' first encounter again could be a bit of a brawl, but mostly Acere convincing Elias that he needs to be brave and lead Ruina again like he is supposed to.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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