
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



9 Years
01-02-2017, 12:54 AM

The call from his cousin did not go unheard. And for the first time in a long time, Rin raced with the winds to reach his destination with a feeling of excitement. This time, he was running towards his future...instead of running away. Kyung was becoming nothing more than a distant memory left behind with each step he took. Everything that had been holding him back, his haunts, his nightmares...they too, were being swallowed by the distance he put behind him. He slowly realized that he was made for better things. And he didn't want to keep living in the shadow of his childhood haunts. Sure, maybe there wasn't anything that would change his brothers hatred towards him...but at least here, he could have a new and fresh start. A new beginning. A new lease on life. And it would start with Lirim. His cousins pack. He was older than her, and while he didn't know much about leading a pack, he still had knowledge from his travels that he could share. Lanky legs swallowed up the plains, the scents of many drawing closer.

Soon enough, light green eyes would find a cluster of wolves, though upon approaching he could feel a sort of...tension in the air. He looked at Faite, dipping his head to her as he stood at the edge of the crowd. Gaze fell to the pups around her feet, his curiosity drawn to them. Were these her pups? They certainly resembled her! And the father? He glanced towards the irritated looking large male at her side, and he assumed he was...her mate? He smiled then. This was already starting to feel like a home...



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