
little mountains we move


01-02-2017, 10:44 PM

Lyre responded easily, "It's a weed that has a green stem and a fluffy yellow top, kind of looks like a flower. You can find it just about anywhere in the spring and summer time." She wouldn't judge the girl for not knowing the name or whatever. Some wolves were just self-taught and she understood this so there wouldn't be any cruel words as if the girl was stupid or anything.

Lyre rose an eyebrow to her "know-it-all" attitude. But again, she wouldn't react rudely or anything. It wasn't her nature to lash back especially to a younger wolf who was eager to learn. She did think it was a little odd that she knew what Saliva was and not dandelion. But she would shrug her thoughts off not wanting to meddle in other's lives and reasons. "I suppose you could lead the way then." She pointed her paw forward, looking at the ivory girl before taking a step forward and waiting for her to begin. She also wasn't trying to seem rude but she needed to learn that if she were going to act like she knew it all, she needed to show that she could actually do it. Lyre would of course be there to help if she asked or at least point her in the right direction but she wasn't going to  just waltz right over to the herb and pick it for her. She would object to her wanting to keep it, even if Lyre wanted some herself. She didn't need any at this moment and time so she would just let the yearling have her way.

OOC: i you want to powerplay Lyre pointing her paw around you can XD

Walk "Talk" Think