
You Only Zing Once


01-03-2017, 07:32 PM
The stance that the woman took was one that was not strange to him. Ashelynn and him fought often, but it was usually more for blood than play. A slow grin worked its way across his jet black lips, his head staying lowered and aligned with his spine, hackles still raised as his ears pinned tightly against his skull. His flame marked tail rose to align with his spine as well, his chin tucking into his chest. Phoenix stood with courage in his stance, his legs set an equal distance apart and each limb bent slightly. Golden eyes remained narrowed as he kept a careful eye on this strange woman. Fighting was a language he knew well, even for a yearling. Rolling his shoulders forward, he was ready for whatever she was going to throw at him.

As she charged, Phoenix stood his ground. He waited for his opportunity, having experience in fighting taller wolves because of his sisters height. As the pale woman reared, he grinned as he bunched up his hind legs, charging forward in hopes to slam himself into her chest. The top of his head was aimed for the center of her stomach, right where her ribs ended. He hoped to knock her onto her back, hopefully winding her in the process. At the same time Phoenix's right front leg lifted, his right forepaw snaking out in hopes of wrapping around the woman's back left leg, right behind her knee. He quickly attempted to jerk his own paw back towards his chest, hoping to hug her leg into him and aiding in his goal of knocking her over. His weight shifted towards his left to make up for his tripod stance, his toes spreading. Because of his moved position, the bite that she had intended for his cheek missed completely.

To say that he was being cocky was an understatement. He had no doubt that he would win this fight. It clouded his judgement, it just might be the one thing that would cause him to lose.

Round 1 of 2
28 inches
Build: Medium

Attacks: Trying to knock Zola back by ramming into her exposed stomach and trying to pull her left back leg from under her.
Defences: Head & tail aligned with spine, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, weight evenly spread, toes spread, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, legs bent.


A king is knowing no one can take this crown
It's so great, they can't cool me off when I hit the stage
Burning hot, the spotlight has spelled my name
Art by Arin ; Original Template by Layla