
A frozen Waste


02-18-2013, 08:09 PM
Her head rested upon Thane she still had her eyes closed as she listened to him talk. Those words made her grin with pride and joy, She knew that this was indeed a new beginning and nothing will take that from her. She wanted to get to know him abit more before they try for puppies and that would be along time before she would come into season so they still had some time to get to know one another some more. Raising her head she looked at thane, her eyes sparkled from the mixture of the sun's light and her own bright green eyes.

Her tail swayed sightly as she glanced at Thane."I am glad that i have meet you and even though i miss my siblings and parents, i now have a new family, They will remain in my thoughts, but i have a new family to focus on."Ookami said as she licked his muzzle and begun to walk through the snow. She did not bother to pick up her feet to try to lift it over the deep snow. She pulled her legs through the snow the cold felt good on her legs and it seemed to sooth her for some reason. This made her smile even more .