
Test of the Mind

Mercy I


5 Years

01-05-2017, 07:56 PM

Mercy just shrugged when the younger girl said that she had startled her. Oh well, she should have been paying closer attention. Really she didn't care that she had frightened her one bit, she had done a lot worse in her life time. Since the stranger stopped, she did too as she placed her rump on the earth, her slightly longer tail curling around herself neatly. The pale woman laughed when she asked if she was intruding, shaking her head. Was she that dumb that she thought she crossed a pack border? Oh poor little dear, she had a lot to learn just yet. Smirking, she looked around at the lands that Imperium used to own, a far away look in her eyes. "No, perhaps at one point, but that pack is long gone now. You're fine, I'm just looking for someone. I had hoped that you'd seen them, but that's fine," she would kill him when she found him, she really would. All those whispers of staying with her forever and now this, just... nothing. Letting out a sigh, she glanced back at the stranger and gave another shrug of her shoulders. No harm, no foul. She might as well play nice now that she had bothered to come here and talk to her, walking away wouldn't be any fun now would it? Perhaps a little conversation would help pass the time anyways before Gethin got back.

"I'm Mercy by the way, toots. Welcome to the Range," The scarred woman said with a grin, standing up and stretching out her left back leg. Honestly she knew these lands too well, she could always play tour guide for a little bit. A time killer, right? That's all she needed. Plus this girl was all cute and innocent looking, for now. For a moment she let herself wonder if anything would come along and change her world, like it had in her own life. But had she really ever been that innocent looking? Probably not, all along there had been something a little darker inside her.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.