
The world is a vampire

Mercy I


5 Years

01-05-2017, 08:07 PM

Mercy couldn't help but grin at everything, she had both wolves twisted tightly around her paw. The power only spurred her on, a growl rumbling in her throat. She felt reckless and wild, more so than she usually did. Without hesitation she bit down a bit harder on the woman, pinching her delicate skin tightly between her teeth. Rubbing them together she kept working on her left cheek until tiny beads of blood pooled to the surface. Licking them up fast, her head turned slightly as she got a nice bite of her own. The woman's nails bit into the knoll as she grumbled at Ira, not wanting this moment to end. However, she mentioned that someone was finally paying attention, her purple eyes slanting to the man she cared for so much. A wicked grin took over her features as he walked over to her, obviously unhappy that he couldn't resist her. Well of course not, who could say no to all of this? Her head tipped upwards as a loud laugh cracked across the heated area, a gleeful wild sound that stirred up the birds in a nearby tree. Oh this was too fucking perfect.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, Gethin's teeth dug deep into her flesh. Mercy's eyes popped open wide as her jaws parted in a silent moan of pleasure, her entire body shuddering at the feeling. She began to pant, head tossing to meet the ruby red gaze of the man behind her. Oh so that's how he wanted to play, huh? Obviously more than riled up, Mercy was ready for some action. But there was more she wanted; games. She quickly untangled herself from both wolves before she took a few sauntering steps away from them, her long tail flicking behind her the whole time. And then without warning she took off, dashing down the hill at break-neck speed. A crazed laugh left her lips as she headed right for the herd of buffalo, her teeth snapping at their heels. They seemed to pick up on the insane woman's vibes, it was enough to unsettle them and made them start to run. Yipping with delight she bob and weaved around them with practice, she knew that the others would probably have a hard time keeping up. But that was the fun of it, it was a race. Who would win her little game this time?

Art by OldFashionedBlue

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.