
Offering a Smiling Phrase



6 Years

01-05-2017, 10:16 PM

She didn't miss the questioning tilt of the man's head, but it was something that she was so use to that she didn't even bother to comment on it. If he wanted to ask about her bells and scarf, he could. But until then, she just looked at him with a soft smile on her lips. The stranger nodded, looking up towards the wall as she did and introducing himself. Oh right! She had been stuck in one place for so long that she was starting to forget to be nice and state her name. Her gray ears flicked towards the side slightly as she turned back to him, an apologetic look in her mismatched gaze. "Sorry, I'm Jaelle. Nice to meet you Nako!" Jae said in a kind tone. She didn't bother with Goat, he was a grumpy tube of fur and did whatever he wanted anyways. She glanced down at him to see that his beady black eyes were narrowed as he glared at the male, probably because Nako kept looking at him. Honestly, he had a lot of rage for such a small thing. Lifting up a paw, she gently pushed his narrow body deeper into the snow, rewarded with a stream of muttered curse words. Snickering, she shrugged her shoulders at the monochrome man.

Ah, so he wanted to see the top and she wanted a way through. Well, they both had a goal in mind for the ice wall, they might as well look together. "I'd like to find a way through, so it looks like we can help each other up. I wouldn't mind seeing the top either, it would be rather breathta-"


Jaelle was interrupted by Giet who rudely yelled out at Nako, making her gaze flicker down to him in irritation. She should have let Kharnage eat his tongue. "Honestly Goat the Stoat, I am going to toss you in a hole soon. Stop being so mean."

"I do what I want, lady, yur not one to tell me what ta do!"

"Ant yet you follow me like a lost puppy. Mmm..." The wolf retorted, her eyes narrowing as she watched the weasel open and close his mouth a few times before huffing and running back along the wall. Giggling, she turned back to Nako with another shrug. "Sorry about him, he's an odd creature. Shall we go on?" Jaelle was unable to tell which way they should go, they both came from different directions but she hadn't started at the beginning. So instead she waited for Nako to lead the way, she was just excited to have someone to navigate with.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.