
Can't Cover Up What You've Done



4 Years
01-05-2017, 10:56 PM

Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one.

With the deal struck, he felt a lot better. He didn't like to leave things open ended, and while this wasn't exactly a closed door, it was better than nothing. He settled into his seat more, wiggling his rump slightly as he found a more comfortable spot. Zuriel only said a few more words before she settled down and rested her head on her paws, eying the rain. He let himself look her over now that she wasn't watching, even though his cheeks heated slightly. He wasn't exactly looking at her in a sexual matter, more so just appreciating the complex markings that claimed her coat. It was only for a moment or two, but it still made him feel flush. If observed, it would most likely look like he was being a normal, greedy male. That's not what Eniko was like, and he quickly lifted his head and looked at the storm outside. If she squinted hard enough, he could see the white tops of the waves below the cliff. It looked like the rain would let up soon if he could see a bit further out. Good. While he was enjoying his time with Zuriel, he was also itching to find Phantom again. It wasn't like him to not come searching for him after this long, making the prince worry that he was lost out in the storm trying to follow his fading scent.

The spotted man reached his front paws out as he stretched, a yawn parting his jaws as his body quivered slightly. He didn't mind the silence in the least, it was actually quite nice. There weren't many wolves that were comfortable with just being in each others presence, but it would seem that Zuriel was one of them. More and more she began to remind him of Callisha, a sharp pang of homesickness twisting in his gut. Flinching slightly, he tore his gaze away from the rains and looked at the wall of the dug out cave. An earthen scent was pretty predominate through it, which made sense because the lady had had to dig it out enough for the both of them to fit. Other than being on the side of a steep, narrow cliff, it was rather nice. Only a few roots stretched through the ground, and he tried to keep himself busy by following their twisting patterns through the hollow. He tired his best not to think of his sisters, of what would become of them under his brothers paw. Another stabbing pain filled his chest, but it was the protest of his lungs. His emotions were running on high, at least on the inside, the panic, fear, and worry. It was enough to stir up his asthma, his breath catching in his throat. The deer-marked wolf coughed to cover up the squeak that made it's way out of his maw, hiding his feelings with ease. His face was a cool and calm mask, the only sign of his small attack was the slight uneven pattern of his breath. It was subtle enough that one could think that it was from emotions, and he watched Zuriel out of his peripherals. Would she notice? He hoped not, even though he felt familiar with the female that didn't meant that he wanted her to know his deepest secret. His weakness. Focusing on counting each beat of his heart, Eniko sat in silence as he waited for things to calm down. At least for a moment.

"Looks like the storm will pass soon." It was a simple sentence, short enough that he could get it out in one breath before his mouth gaped, drawing in a deep breath in the most quiet of matters. After this long trying to hide his asthma, he had had a lot of practice keeping it under wraps. Quickly closing his mouth, he turned to her with a gentle smile, his ears flicking slightly as he went back to counting his heart beats, praying that she didn't notice.

Make no mistake, the day will come when you can't cover up what you've done.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.