
fire in his eyes



10 Years
01-05-2017, 11:15 PM

A snarl ripped from her throat as the man sought to continue hurting her. She winced with the pain, the woman holding back a whine as his teeth dug further into her flesh. Were this any other situation, she wouldn't have had a problem. But the fact that she had been completely unprepared for this unexpected encounter, and having been previously focused on finding her sister, she wasn't in the best shape. She fought back still, her legs attempting to brace her body to keep from being pushed to the ground, but his weight was too much for her. Eventually, she reluctantly ended up on the ground. Her left side pressed firmly against the earth, ears flattened as her teeth remained bared. As soon as she felt his jaws relax a little, she was about to attempt to spring up and lash out, that is, until she cried out in surprise when he applied pressure on the wound with his paw. Dual toned gaze squeezed shut. And when she did open them, she found the man's gaze drilling into her own. She stared back with all of the anger and rage in the world, desperately trying to hide the fear and insecurity that was trying to creep up on her.

She'd been faced with many an enemy before. But none as crazed as this male. "If you value your life, you better let me g--" Teeth gritted together before she could finish as the man proceeded to worsen her wound. His words fell on flattened ears, though they didn't go unheard. He was wrong! So very wrong! But...why did she suddenly feel like part his words were true? Was the situation playing tricks on her mind? Was the pain clouding her thoughts? She refused to believe she was what he said. She had made it this far with tons of hard work and a fierce determination. She didn't make it this far relying on hand outs, let alone someone else taking care of her!

Finally, the pressure was released as the man stepped away from her. She glared at him, watching to see what he would do next. Though as soon as he spoke, she didn't waste any time pulling herself to her feet, tail lashing and hackles spiked along her back as she snarled at him. "You're wrong! You know nothing about me! You're nothing but a coward!" She hissed. Fangs bared, lips pulled back to expose them fully to the gum line. Her wound hurt like hell, especially after the way he toyed with it after the nasty bite...but she wasn't going to take this lying down! She would make him fight. She exploded in a flurry of movement, albeit a little slower from her fresh wound, but she would aim to slam her entire weight into his form regardless. Whether or not she was able to overpower him, she was going to do what she could to make this as hard as she could for him. With that in mind, teeth flashed towards his face as she once again, attempted to hurt him.



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