
On My Own


01-06-2017, 12:55 AM

She'd had it! She had secluded herself, hiding away to avoid anyone from her sisters pack. Mostly though, she was just avoiding her bigger sister and the boy she ran off with. She hadn't seen her green pelted sister since Myriad's fall, and she wasn't sure why she hadn't sought her out. Nixie had been so family oriented. That is, until it was clear that they didn't really seem to care too much. Not only did their mother abandon them, but even Kait and Yoshi decided that she wasn't worth it. Or so it seemed. And Ren? She hadn't seen him since that challenge...and even when Nixie had decided to join the pack that had taken over the previous one, they too disbanded shortly after. So she was left to wander again. Which she supposed, wasn't so bad. She knew more or less how to take care of herself, except this time...she was by herself. No family to curl up with at night. Or to go on adventures with. Or anything. She was completely alone in the world now. And this type of loneliness was starting to take a toll on her free spirited nature. She was feeling...resentful. In fact, she didn't even know how much she resented him. Indeed, she blamed Rivaxorus! If it weren't for him, then none of this would have happened, right? Her and her family would still be together. But no. He just had to take Yoshiko away! She sat at the edge of the water, her tiny body full of random specks of water from the light drizzle. What would she do now?