
stomach to the floor

Gargoyle I


06-23-2013, 08:07 AM


Gargoyle had plenty of experience to tell him that it is when an animal is most threatened that it becomes most dangerous. But this was his first wolf's meat in far too long. He was ripping her apart, knawing deeper, already his muzzle and chest had become washed in the stuff as he pressed himself down upon the prone creature, like a hunter at a kill. It was thanks to this contact that he felt her wrigglings - at first in pain, and but then attack. He felt the swing of her bones as she snapped her head around. He shifted his leg back - but not quite quick enough!

Ivories connected inside his left foreleg, and the he-wolf roared aloud -spraying his opponent's blood like spittle. His shift at the last minute had saved his leg bones - the fae hadn't gotten quite the hold she wanted - but she still had half a mouthful of his flesh and tendons. It hurt like heck, but the male had had worse; a heartbeat later and he was already preparing for his counter move - However, the girl was moving again. He'd released her and pulled back and that was exactly what she needed to make her next gamble possible. He saw the bloodied back bend, and the skull that was connected with his leg, twisted awkwardly and made a go at his chest. But while the girl had plenty of muscle behind this, there was very little space between them for her to gather momentum - particularly when her head was already latched onto his leg so close to his belly fur.

Had she been merely a regular sized wolf or even just a large one, Gargoyle could've easily dismissed the move and kept her down, but she was just large enough to tip him back a hair. Gargoyle felt himself swaying back, and rather than scramble to keep himself upright - he flopped down with it, swinging his free foreleg about the she-wolf's form, meaning to trap her close to him as they went down together.

Even as he felt the first tug of gravity, however, Gargoyle was already making his counter. The key lay in that the she-mutt was going for a hold not a rip or tear. She had his leg where she wanted, but that meant that her head remained where he wanted it. He held out his foreleg - holding out her head - and arched his neck like a stallion, bringing forty two gleaming fangs straight down. This was his reply to her taking of his leg - he was going to take her head. He'd latch one jaw on either side of the skull delivered so close to him, and BITE. A large breed of dog could sometimes muster up a bite force of 750 psi, but a Timber wolf? Those averaged out at 1500 pounds per square inch, and that was just for an normal sized one. Gargoyle wasn't interested in taking a hold he wanted a thick, wet, crunch.

And just because his jaws were going for the end game, didn't mean that he forgot his other limbs. All this was happening as the two were in mid air, before Gargoyle's back hit the dust. When that did happen, he was rolling with it, his weight forcus on his shoulders, leaving his hindlegs free to claw and slash upwards, going for whatever was free on the hind half of the she-wolf, legs, inner haunches, belly - whatever he could reach with those long grey claws of his, he'd happily shred.

The brat was kidding herself if she thought that, like a turtle, this titan was going to be helpless as soon as he was on his back. His belly was exposed, perhaps, but exposed to what? Her teeth were locked his his leg, his hind end was going to be kept busy with his clawing back feet, and her forepaws, she'd need to try to stabalize herself, unless she wanted to be resting her pretty little chest on his, which, of course, he wouldn't mind. He wanted to feel the beat of that heart thrum and them die out when he splattered the battlefeild with her brains.

x.x gargoyle vs. eos - round 2 of 4 x.x

attacks: 1. as Eos comes up and forward and pushes her head into his chest, he reaches a clawed foreleg around her shoulders, intending to trap her close and possibly throw off her balance as they go down. 2. As Eos's head is so close and unprotected, it's a simple move for Gargoyle to arch his neck and attempt to bite down around it - if he succeeds he intends to splatter her brains. 3. Meanwhile, when he hits the ground, he rolls with it, his weight goes, at least for the moment, onto his shoulders and his hind legs are perfectly free to claw and rip upwards.


defenses: his attacks are mostly taking care of his defenses - his hind legs clawing upwards, keep his belly and lower vitals protected. his hold on Eos's head would keep her teeth from going anywhere but his leg.


injuries: his left leg is, at the moment, taken compeltely out of the fight. At this point there's no broken bones, but serious damage to the tendons and flesh. Once the she-wolf pulls away he'll have to deal with blood loss


notes: was jamming out to "Carry on my Wayward Son" while writing this xD
