
Broken Down and Waiting for the Chance to Feel Alive



7 Years
Extra large
01-06-2017, 10:45 PM
Smirking slightly Mara eyed the dirty snow wolf, hardly surprised by the response she gave. The woman didn't have to say a word about men for everyone who came within a mile of her to know she was used to their company. The stench of males surrounded her like a thick fog. Gross. Snickering she replied, "I suppose one who stinks like a common whore would have to embrace such things." There was a glimmer in Mara's eyes while she awaited a reaction from the other wolf, hoping to get some sort of annoyance or anger. It was fun to irritate others and insult them, especially since just about everything pissed Mara off to no end. She figured it was only fair that those around her had to suffer too once in a while.

Another loud snort, accompanied by a toss of her head and a harsh laugh that hit the ears a bit loudly, "Ha, well that's a first!" No one ever referred to her in such a... positive light. Usually it was all rather negative, though that was to be expected since she wasn't the most pleasant of creatures so there really wasn't a whole lot about Mara that was deserving of any nice words. Though she hardly expected to ever get anything above this new standard of 'not half-bad' because frankly she wasn't the most attractive of females and at her age and with her habits it was probably all downhill from here. Not that she gave a rip. "Men don't like me, love. They seem to sense I'd be much more inclined to rend their flesh from their bones than to give them a shot at mine."

Sliding into a bowing position she allowed her front limbs to stretch out, yawning and holding her stretch for a while. Glancing around she considered what to do once she was able to rid herself of this new pest. For the time being she wasn't quite ready for more sleep. Maybe she'd just keep moving for a while, and put more distance between herself and that other pest. Now that she'd remembered Velia a new sense of urgency took over. Getting away from that brat was priority one, staying here too long would mean there was more chance of her pursuer catching up. Now that just couldn't be allowed to happen. Rising from her prolonged stretch she decided escape was more important that wasting time bantering with the stranger and unceremoniously turned to start trotting on her way again, half-tail waving lazily behind her.
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Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.