
Just for now



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-06-2017, 10:59 PM

The man appeared to be offended with what he'd said, but Dragon was equally offended if the male thought he would get in with what he said next. The man boasted loyalty, but the fact that he was ratting out someone he said he had agreed to follow before coming here, didn't sit well with him. He narrowed his eyes as Kreft rambled on. Sin? Hellstroms? Why the hell did Dragon care about any of that? What made Kreft think that Talis would be fighting against Ganta when the man hadn't done anything to bring such an action upon him? Hell, all of this went up and over Dragon's head. He didn't know who the heck Sin was, but it was clear that this guy had issues...and history with whoever Ganta's family was, evidently. He flicked his tail as a stony look took over. As much as this man talked about being loyal, Dragon didn't see it. Not when he was talking about turning his back on someone after initially agreeing to follow them or whatever. Should he call his mother to help him sort this out? No...he could do this himself. He was the alpha. And no amount of words this man said would strengthen his case. If anything, Kreft just discredited himself on how 'loyal' he truly was. Or claimed to be...

"I don't know what sort of...history you have with Ganta, or Sin, or the Hellstrom's or whatever. I don't know who Sin is, and I don't care to hear your life story about it. But the fact is, you just further convinced me to distrust you." He stared down at the man, his tone clear. "Talis is not a waiting room. You agreed to follow someone else, yet you come here in the hopes of joining until they are ready? And in the process, you showed clear disloyalty against them by talking ill of them. I have no doubt that you don't know much about Ganta, and the fact that you say you'd have no problem fighting against someone who turns out to act differently, makes me believe that you have an underlying trust issue, obviously." On top of that, Dragon had nothing against Ganta...but this guy did. The last thing he needed was for this guy to parade around trying to start a fight with him, in his own pack. "I'm sorry, but I cannot accept you into the pack. The words of a stranger mean little to me. I will not harbor you here, nor allow you onto my lands. Talis is not for the faint of heart, much less for those who only seek to stay for a little while." He sized up the male then, the younger male much taller then Kreft. "However, if you desperately wish to stay that bad...then I will test you. But believe me when I say, if you do pass and gain entrance, then I expect you will do more then play your little waiting game...and betrayal and disloyalty are dealt with very quickly. Have I made myself clear?" He still wasn't keen on letting the man join...but he figured that he should maybe give him one chance and test him. If he failed, then he would send him away. If he passed...then he would let him in, and keep an eye on him until he could be trusted. If that was even possible.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.