
Trapeze Swinger [Eve]



4 Years
01-07-2017, 01:50 PM
*Navigation, Bent Canyon

It was perhaps a bit further than he should be traveling without Phantom, but the spotted male had thought that he had caught onto the canine's scent. Before he knew it he was walking across the sandbar, trapped in a new section of this world that he didn't even know existed. The humidity was high here, each breath he took felt like he was choking on it. There was a great protest from his lungs, making him a lot slower than he would have liked to see. It took several days before he lost the lead, already too turned around to head back to the main land. He had yet to see another soul here, and the worry was starting to sink in. What if he couldn't get out of here and was stuck in these warmer lands? His asthma was sure to act up far more often here, he could already feel the familiar tightness in his chest. His breaths came out in a soft rattle, as hard as he tried to conceal it they still sounded out. Eniko slowed himself even further, taking baby steps as he reached the canyon walls. Odd shades of orange coated their surface, obvious waterlines darkening the stone. His yellow gaze eyed them carefully, wondering what kind of deposit could have coloured the rock like that. Trying to hum in wonder, he ended up choking on it and struggled to catch his breath. Sucking in air between his clenched teeth, his legs slid a bit further out than his shoulders and hips as his head hung low. He was so used to this pain that it didn't seem to phase him, but it was hard to not panic when the very simple task of breathing became difficult. Shutting his eyes to close out the world, he fell into his normal exercise of counting his heart beats. Each five counts he tried again to take in a deep breath, doing his best to keep himself calm.

After a few moments the man pulled himself up again, his chin raising slightly as another cough tickled his throat. The worst of it was over, the next two breaths in were still shaky but at least he was getting some air in his starved lungs. Well then, that put a dent in his adventure didn't it? Shaking his head slightly, his half tail swung behind him as he brushed up against the swell of stone beside him. A ramp came into view that led down, and as he peeked over the ridge he saw his first look of another wolf. He looked young, hardly a year even. It alarmed the prince a touch, but his stoic face didn't show any of this. Where were his parents? A quick glance around told him that no one else was around, but the bends of the canyon made it harder to tell if there were others hiding among the crags. It was hard enough to pick out the boy among the orange and yellow rock, his coat nearly blend right in. He looked like a wolf of the desert, almost, and he wondered if the child knew his way back to the main land. Not wishing to call down and startle the boy on these high cliffs, he took a few sliding steps down the ramp. When he was a few feet away, he softly cleared his throat before breaking the silence between them. "Hello, young sir, are you familiar with these lands?" he asked, his voice slightly hoarse from his earlier attack. Eniko's brown head tilted to the side slightly, a hint of a smile on his black lips. "I am Eniko, and I'm trying to find my way home." There was no doubt of his heritage from the manner in which he spoke, a very proper, smooth lick of the common tongue. It was hard to speak otherwise, it was simply how he was raised.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.