
Back Door to Freedom {AW}



6 Years

01-07-2017, 03:39 PM

Apparently he was as surprised as she was, his mouth hanging open as the rusty Italian left her lips. He introduced himself slowly, as if dealing with the shock before his whole attitude changed. An amused smirk crossed her lips as he jumped towards her, acting much like an excitable child. His words were flung at her so fast that she struggled to keep up, trying to quickly sweep away the cobwebs in the language center of her mind. It wasn't her main tongue, so it took a little bit to fall back into it. She got the gist of what he was saying, her cheeks flushing as he pretty much sang her praises. The woman shrugged her shoulders, her bells ringing softly as she settled down on her rump. She knew what it was like to not be able to speak your language, she had yet to run into anyone here who spoke Dutch. Honestly she missed it, and if she hadn't been born knowing the common tongue, she was sure that she would be in the same place as he was. Trying to formulate her reply, her eyes danced across the painted walls before falling back to the black and white man. The light from the entrance of the cave made it look like he was glowing, lighting him from the back side as he tossed another question at her. Her brown and blue eyes returned to him, a soft laugh sounding similar to her bells following. "Sto comprensione. Può essere difficile in questo mondo senza speakings simili." Jae chewed over her words, and she knew that they weren't quite right, but the main focus of what she wanted to say was there.

The female fell silent again, letting out a gentle hum as she fought to pick back up on her smoother side of Italian. "Io vengo da nessuna parte, non solo un posto. La mia band viaggiato molte terre, e ho lavorato duramente per imparare la lingua di quelli incontrati. Sono la felicità per te che posso essere assistendo," She flinched slightly, laughing a bit louder. "Ho la ruggine, è stato un po 'da quando ho incontrato uno come te." With time she would find herself again, but for now there may be a few pauses between everything that she said. It was difficult to completely forget what she had learned, but without the practice of using it daily it fell slightly to the wayward side. She'd been so busy trying to keep Vyper well and alive when Xephyris kept him busy, but not even knowing Vincenzo was enough of a sign that she had failed. Oh well, at least she was able to help him here now. Maybe he knew about the strange creature painting on the wall? Her gaze flickered to the long nosed creature and the massive cat like animal, wanting to ask but staying silent for now. There was probably more that he wanted to say, and she was more than happy to hear him out. Her own tail beat against the hard packed earth, the ringing of her bells echoing off the barren landscape.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.