
achy breaky heart


01-07-2017, 09:08 PM

Lyre did think about the majority of the wolves living in the plains. And she would have rather been closer to her pack mates and friends than on her own and exploring the rest of Abaven. She had all day to do that, and she would have a place to sleep in the heart of the pack.

She paused just as he had and tilted her head to listen intently to every word he had to offer. Her eyes narrowed to the softer of subjects, but she couldn't say she was left without the feeling. "I'm sorry you've had to go through that, Bass." She spoke from her heart, showing how much she cared for the man who offered her a home even though the two of them knew basically nothing about each other. "I understand the feeling of loss as well. Though just in some different ways. I've never had kids or a family, but I have raised wolves from illness as if they were my own. And I have seen many come and go." She was a very motherly figure to those that surrounded her and it wasn't something she would ever hide. She cared for the well being of other's and nothing would stop her in helping them.

"It seems like we could almost be on the same page. Most of my family and tribe members have disappeared without a word as well. I just try to keep living on life as if tomorrow will bring me something new..." And it was true. She had pain and suffering inside her but she never let anyone see it. She just kept looking forward day after day hoping that soon she could find some of her lost family. She continued to walk with him as he started off again, finishing with her last words, "Just know that I am here anytime you need to talk. I know it is sometimes it's easier to let loose how you feel when the person you are talking to can't talk back." She gave him a quick giggle, being sarcastic but also serious that he could come to her anytime. She could be a friend, at least one of the many the man probably had, that he could just let it all out before her and she wouldn't judge. Plus she was younger than he was, so hopefully if they two ever truly got close, he wouldn't have another soul resting on his mind.

Walk "Talk" Think