
Something (un)expected



6 Years

01-07-2017, 11:07 PM

Faite still felt bound to one particular land (in this case two) ever since she'd found out she was pregnant. First she'd stayed in Celestial because she was reluctant to cause any accidental harm to her kids, then it'd been the Estuary so she could be by Zell, and now she was reluctant to leave Lirim. Her kids were growing fast, faster than weeds really, and she knew they'd be safe. She'd accomplished building a pack for them to be safe in. Someone would babysit them if she needed to leave, but everything was so new. It wasn't in her nature to not be off on some adventure, but she realized her habits needed to change.

With the arrival of spring the snow had started to melt and the weather showed signs of warming up. It wouldn't be long before green shoots of growth would appear and all the healers could start gathering them. Her mind also drifted to Ivory Ridge and the promise of some sort of group activity between the two packs. She hadn't had the chance to find Karabela to inform her of Lirim's creation, but she knew she had to get to it soon before it got too late. The last thing she needed was for Raba to show up at her old home lands and not be there.

But first she had other things to take care of. Between needing to lay down a solid foundation of trust with her new pack mates, she was also staying because of Zuriel. Her sister looked like she was about ready to pop and she wanted to be there for her when she did. Despite the fact that they were Elias' kids too, she was excited by the prospect of being an aunt. She had no doubt Zuriel would make a fine mother and raise them to be far better than their father ever could be. At least that's how she saw it.

She'd just about reached Zuriel's den when she heard her talking. Ears flicked forward as she came to a halt and listened quietly as her sibling listed off some names. Did she have them already?! It took all her willpower not to rush into the den. She wasn't entirely sure if Zuriel would appreciate the intrusion so she padded towards the entrance and paused at the mouth with a grin on her face. Inside she could see three tiny bundles: one fully black, a gray one that resembled Zuriel, and lastly a brown one that reminder her of Falk. Her tail waved softly behind her at the thought as she stared at them. They were beautiful.

"How are you feeling?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]