
Please recognize I'm trying, babe



5 Years
01-07-2017, 11:44 PM
Lior felt as tense as a coiled spring and her paws kneaded against the ground as she felt Zuriel reciprocate her comforting touch. There was help out there for Zuriel, Lior knew. A pack was strong to last in these lands for any duration. Hopefully the other wolf would truly do the right thing and get help. Vengeance and justice if possible though that was more in lines of what Lior wanted for her own tormentor. It however would never be achieved as she had tried more than once to fight only to fail dismally as the shear size of the man was more than a contender to put up with whatever resistance she'd offered more than a year ago. Zuriel spoke her thanks and Lior felt glad that her sudden and sloppy admissions for comfort and advice were resonating with the beginning motions of recovery from what had happened.

She of all things wished that Donostrea had stuck around. Maybe she would've done something in terms of asking for help instead of simply returning to her family one day and remaining quiet about her ordeal. "No it's not. I felt the same way for a long time. Even upon meeting you I'm finally glad in a strange way that it's not just me. Horrible it had to happen to someone so pretty..." Lior trailed off as memories came back. "But I don't think I had a worry about pups after the first few weeks, I don't think I'll ever have to worry about having children unfortunately." Lior didn't know what Zuriel felt inside of her that had caused such a thought. Then again she didn't know the time frame in which things had happened. At least her brothers and sister had let Lior help raise their young just as Zuriel had a sister and pack that would help raise hers.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]