



8 Years

Trick 2019
01-08-2017, 09:51 AM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2017, 04:20 PM by Tealah.)

Lykos hadn't followed the pack down south. Gryphon knew his mother had demoted his littermate in punishment, had refused to let him leave the pack, but maybe Dragon had let him go once he'd taken over. After all, Lykos had served his time. It wasn't right to keep one of their siblings prisoner - hadn't Kharnage been allowed to leave the pack? So without any knowledge of what had passed between his siblings he simply assumed that was what had happened.

Lykos leaving did make it difficult to speak with him though. Since his conversation with Avalon in the north before she'd handed the pack over to Dragon it had been itching in the back of his mind, seeing the rift in his family growing deeper and deeper and knowing only one side of the story. Everyone in a situation had their own angle on it, as near as he could figure, and while he knew his mother wasn't lying... it didn't mean that she was completely right, that hers was the only way to look at things. Rationally, logically, he knew that no one really thought of themselves as the villain when they did things, made choices that maybe went against others, so Lykos had to have had a reason for doing what he did. The larger brother had been so stubbornly attached to rules and laws and order that to go against them he surely had a reasonable thought process to bring him to that end.

Perhaps if he could talk to his brother, could learn his point of view, he could take steps to heal the chasm between his family whether they liked it or not.

To that end he waited until the north rolled to spring and he could count on not being a miserable cold lump of ice the whole trip, then headed off towards the north and their former territory at the easy, groundeating lope wolves are so well known for, to try to track his erstwhile littermate down. He didn't tell anyone before he left, though he supposed he should have. He didn't want Dragon to know what he was up to; he rather doubted his more emotionally driven brother would understand the logic behind it. He'd yet to see any sign of Kharnage in the pack, so maybe he'd try to find Lykos' look-alike while he was up here.

There was one possibility that shook him deep to his bones, though he refused to acknowledge it even to himself.

Either or both of his missing brothers could simply be... dead.

Avalon believed that their father had abandoned them, but thought Gryphon hadn't asked her he wondered how she'd known. Logically, it was equally likely that the male had been killed while away. Life was dangerous for a lone wolf. There was the ever present specters of disease and starvation looming over them, and larger, deadly predators who would have no qualms about ridding themselves of a rival. And that logic extended itself, all unwillingly, to his brothers.

They could be dead.

As angry as he was at Lykos' actions, as much as Kharnage's attitudes had irritated and rubbed him the wrong way, the thought - however well he squashed it - that either of them could be gone forever squeezed his insides into a cold hard block of dread. But it was logical, wasn't it? That it would be possible that was why neither had chosen to accompany the family south, or even attempt to seek him out to say goodbye. They would have, if they'd been alive and thinking clearly... right?

Surely he hadn't done anything to either of them to warrant avoiding him?

His long journey ended where he'd spent most of his time while he was in pack lands - the pines. Vereux and his brats had always seemed to be haunting the mines so he'd never gone there, and he rather suspected Lykos would have been the same. Nose to the ground, the earthen-coated ranger strode intently through the territory, searching for any sign of his brother.
