
Promises That Never Came [AW]



7 Years
01-08-2017, 09:53 AM

'He left me,' the she wolf said. ah. Heartbreak then. As all-consuming as any mortal wound or creeping infection. As ready to rip a soul apart and wrack it with grief. Broken bones were easy things to fix when compared with such. Orica's ears tipped a little further, the crystal glass of her blue eyes fogged just a bit with memories. Trials and heartbreaks of her own. What she'd been pushed to.

It made her more wary than before. Those that speak of the danger of cornered, wounded wolves know nothing of a she-wolf who's been scorned. Hell hath no fury, indeed. Driven to such pain, its easy for others to lash out. There's no end to their own suffering and they can become as touchy as rabid beasts. But it's pain at the center of it, isn't it? Pain and loss and fear; Fear of being nothing, of being left alone, of knowing naught but hurt for the rest of one's miserable days. The stuff of nightmares.

At her first words, Orica had said nothing - only let a soft whine off into the night. "I"m sorry," said Orica. "You've been used wrongly, then?  

At the growled statement that Orica could do as she as she liked (said in much the same tone as one would say "you can go to hell") the little fae paused. It could be the wind, but there was enough of the other wolf's hackles and spine fur raised that Orica didn't deem it wise to lay against her - even to offer warmth and companionship. It would be like offering such to a porcupine.

Instead, given free rein, she nosed the flap off her knapsack and sniffed around for what she wanted. Ah. There. Carefully she nipped up the stems of dried mint plants found far to the south. Some of their virture would be lost, after being kept in such a cold climate, but they still had soothing, clearing qualities, for the nose, the stomach - and most important here - the mind. She brought them out and stuck them in the snow at the crying fae's feet. A few of the leaves had fallen off in her own mouth but she licked them up and swallowed them down. With strange wolves it always helped to show she wasn't trying to poison them. She gave no orders. Made no expectations, simply left her offering there and laid back where she'd been.
