
Lost Without You



7 Years

01-09-2017, 03:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2017, 03:50 PM by Lillianna.)

Was it just her, or was he truly as apathetic as he seemed? He just watched her, unblinkingly, emotionlessly. What was he feeling? Thinking? She couldn't tell, and it scared her to death. What if he was angry, and an anger so deep that she couldn't fight through it? What if he was just... just done with her, completely? Some part of her whispered that was irrational thinking, that no, that wasn't the case; that if that had been the case then he wouldn't still be standing here, that he wouldn't have listened at the border, that he would not have cared one way or another. Yet... all three were true.

When she finally managed to speak, he closed his eyes for a long moment. That actually made her pause, her brows furrowing in a slight confusion as she tried to think something normal of the situation. Why'd he do that? What did it represent? She didn't have to pause for long, though, because it was only a moment that his eyes were closed. Perhaps he had been trying to get his bearing on this... this mess.

The silence only grew longer between them, and Lillianna was torn between looking away and keeping her eyes on the wolf who somehow grew so dear to her. It was when he cleared his throat, though, that her eyes snapped to his, and she saw that he was not emotionless, he was not apathetic. When he finally repsonded, she drew in a shaky breath, swallowing hard. It felt as if her entire body was shaking, her heart pounding in her ears, her breath caught in her throat. That breath was let out in a rush as he moved on his his next statement, and she was already shaking her head back and forth as eh reached the end of it.

"No," she whispered. "No." That time, the word was stronger, more certain, unwavering. "I will always come back." The promise was strong, her eyes shining with mixed emotion - but mostly conviction at her own words. No, she couldn't abandon anyone; she couldn't do that to someone. Not to - not to anyone. Quieter, softer, more an admission than anything, she also added, "I never want to leave again."

"Speech" "Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.