
I could make you want me

Zephyr I


10 Years
01-09-2017, 09:57 PM
Caelum seemed stronger now, he could tell that right away. This was.. their third reunion now, he supposed he could call it. The first had been horrible for them both - neither had been even slightly composed, though both had unraveled in separate ways. Zephyr had seen Caelum as weak then, and had cast all the blame he could on her. The second time, they'd both been.. perhaps too nostalgic? They had fallen into one another, as though they were star-crossed lovers who were destined to meet again and he hadn't been able to control himself. He didn't know what their status was now, but he felt stronger, felt as though he was under control as he stood before her. He recognized too that her own strength was wildly attractive to him now; for the moment, any thought of who was to blame fell from his mind.

That didn't mean he felt totally clear-minded though, definitely not. Most of this still felt hazy and confusing, as hard as he tried to make sense of it all. Her smile, gentle and true, elicited an expression similar on his own grizzled features. His gaze locked on hers as she moved to sit by his side, lifting her head to nuzzle his cheek. His chest clenched painfully at the simple gesture, lifting his own snout to press it against her own.

Nothing could've prepared him for her next words, though. You're it for me. He'd thought, for a long time, that his life had been over without her. Losing her had affected him so strongly that he had reacted with such fiery hate and anger when seeing her again. Perhaps he hadn't ever looked for anyone else because deep down he had known too that she was the only for him. Either her -- or nobody. His brows pulled together as he listened, taking her words to heart and thinking of what he could possibly say.  "Should it be over?" he'd inquire warily, his voice soft, after a moment of thinking.  "Just because we want something doesn't mean it's good for us."  His voice was more wary than certain. He didn't know if this was the case but the words came without him bothering to stop them.

The raw honesty of her thoughts was surprising. She spoke of love, of the future. It was more than he had expected to talk about and he was momentarily stunned. He shifted his weight from one side of his body to the other.  "I.. don't want to give up either," he admitted softly.  "I just don't know where we start now, Cae." His voice had a bit of helplessness he didn't bother to hide as he eyed her cautiously.