
in a little green boat



10 Years
Extra large
01-10-2017, 07:49 PM
Amusement danced in his deep red stare at the implication that she might, in fact, poison someone. It was true, though - brute strength wasn't the most important kind of strength there was. He had no doubt she knew enough to poison him, perhaps without him ever realizing it. Briefly he wondered if anyone had ever thought of poisoning a water source. Did he ever really think about such things when he was parched? That the water itself could kill him? He thought to ask her it later, perhaps in the morning, though he also wondered if not knowing was a better idea..

He watched as she hunkered down further, feeling his own frame relax in his seated position. Her company was so pleasant and calming that he suddenly found himself longing for the sleep that it seemed she so craved. Her wish for him was genuine and he grinned at her, briefly lifting his head to nod appreciatively.   "Thank you, Orica,"  he murmured, forelegs stretching out in front of him as a yawn took hold.

Sleep sounded better than ever. He let his own tail curl tightly around his hindquarters, shifting just a bit to press ever-so-slightly against her as he rolled to his side, his back grazing her own side. She seemed as though she wouldn't reject the slight affection, however subtle it might be. The warmth she provided was reason enough to move closer. Letting out an exhale, chest rising up and down again, his eyelids drifted close as sleep threatened to sweep him away.