
I could make you want me



10 Years
01-11-2017, 01:06 PM

It was strange how she could both be hurt and also accepting of the fact that what was once a bond they both treasured was now a monster they were reluctant to unleash on the rubble of their current lives, for fear it might further pain them both. She had the same mixed reaction to her suspicion that he'd built some kind of new life in their time apart. There was a twinge of jealousy at the idea that he'd found something to d with himself, which was more than Cae could say for herself, yet it was all washed away by a gladness that at least he'd seemed to get along relatively okay. She hated the idea of him being gripped by the kind of sadness she herself experienced after the attack.

Again she'd feel a tightness in her throat, body involuntarily trying to react with hurt and offense but she would not allow it. Knee-jerk reactions rarely did any good. Additionally, there was nothing fast about the conversation currently and she could see he had more in his head so she'd smooth the ruffled feathers and wait calmly, with minimal outward disturbance aside from a curious and expectant gaze while she awaited further words. The furrowing of his brows left her waiting with baited breath for further speech. Cae found it funny how they both seemed to have such power over each other, no matter how much time passed she doubted they'd ever stop effecting each other so strongly. It has been this way since day one, when an adventurous little Caelum had somehow stumbled upon the silly jokester of a youngster that had been Zephyr.

The words that followed his first soft words left her smiling brighter, batting playfully at his chest with her right paw, "Haha, true enough." At times such persistence may have been to his detriment, but still she'd always admired his ability to keep going. Hopefully his persistence would aid in all the healing that needed to be done between the two.

She didn't know how they'd get through all they still needed to bring up and discuss, but starting with just what seemed more possible was all she had. When he agreed Cae felt her heart beat a little harder for a moment, thumping in her chest so loud she thought he might hear it too. "Nice to meet ya Zephyr. You can call me Cae, my name's Caelum but I like just Cae." She replied, trying to get as close as she could to the way she'd introduced herself the first time while stifling a small giggle. Marching in a small circle around him, so close their sides would almost brush against each other as she passed, Caelum inspected him before adding, "You seem alriight... I suppose you can come exploring with me if you want." She couldn't even start to express how wonderful and painful the memories were. Before, when they were so young and so full of life things had been easier. Now even in jest there seemed to be a new weight to their words that brought a certain seriousness even to their playful joking. She could only hope that one day this would ease away and they could have a shot at what they had before.