
Tell me what you dream about



2 Years
01-11-2017, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2017, 10:13 AM by Kaecious.)

The world was shrouded in a dense fog. Kaecious could see no farther than a few body lengths ahead, and had so settled in for the night. He'd found a rather inviting knot of gnarled trees beside a small cluster of stones, and it had taken no time at all to dig out a comfortable depression between their roots. The wind was off of him and, should rain happen to blow in through the night, the tree would more than likely block it's path to him. A storm blew in just as Kaeci closed his eyes and sought sleep.

Upon waking several hours later, he found the clouds to have cleared and the whole world to be bathed in cool moonlight. It's pale, ivory glow had turned everything a shade of cobalt or indigo. The rain had invigorated what spring growth had already sprung from the ground, giving the air around him a heady scent. He breathed in deeply and stood.

The night was unseasonably warm for that time of year, almost uncomfortably so seeing as he had not yet shed the entirety of his winter coat. He wormed his way from the den in hope of finding open air, and took a gulp of it the instant it was available to him. 'What a dream,' he thought to himself, not quite recalling what his dreams had been about, feeling only the depth of it's unpleasantness. He let the air from his lungs in one long breath.

The sun had set not long ago, night having brought a temporary peace to the land. Kaeci knew this was when the most dangerous predators would emerge, that the quiet was no indicator of peace. Beneath the moon the forest came alive. He wriggled his way from his den and surveyed the land around him. The fog obscured much of his immediate surroundings, so he sat and took a deep breath. Perhaps this would be a day for meditation, perhaps he ought to wait out the fog. He kept his senses honed while deliberating, hoping to pick up any trace of disturbance either with the spirits that plagued him or in the world around him.  

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