
A Break In This Storm



3 Years
01-12-2017, 09:40 AM
Chanel Valintine

There it was, the few words she had hoped to hear since the day she left her homelands; she was accepted into another pack. Her tail waved across the dirt behind her rapidly, ecstatic about her new home. Abaven seemed like a beautiful place full of honorable people that she could learn to get along with and maybe even befriend one or two. It already started feeling like home to the young female, perhaps that had something to do with Bass; he was so kind and warm, like a father she assumed. Chanel didn't know either of her birth parents, and although she had a pack to raise her, she never had any real connection to someone. But with the tall alpha just seemed to click with Chanel.

Whenever she thought of her father, she imagined someone like Bass. Not only in similar looks, but in his kind and gentle voice and the way his amber eyes didn't pierce her soul but rather invited friendly conversation. She imagined her father would be brave and strong, exuding these traits as he walked. The small girl looked up at the alpha, and for a split second, wondered if he really could be her father. But the thought soon passed, for she knew her father to be dead. Still, perhaps the new member could pretend, just for a bit?

At his offer for small talk, Chanel paused to reach back to the lands she once called home. "My birthplace is far from here, that much I'm sure. I ran away from my pack, and just kept running for days, until I bumped into you. My pack didn't really feel like my family, since both my parents died before I could even remember them, I didn't really have anyone to attach to, you know? No siblings, no extended family. Just random wolves that I knew but didn't really bond with." Her violet eyes seemed glossed over as she spoke, the faces of her old pack flashing across her vision but none really stood out-she didn't really miss anyone. Just like faces in a crowd, nothing like what family should feel like.

.Family Doesn't End With Blood.