
Lost Without You



7 Years

01-12-2017, 02:01 PM

Honestly, it didn't even occur to her to apologize out loud. Completely, 100% escaped her. She didn't think she was in the right; far from it - the opposite, in fact... but it still just never occurred to her to apologize. She felt awful, yes. She was apologetic, yes. But never did she think to actually voice that. Instead, she voiced just about... everything else.

She couldn't help the little half-smile that formed on her face at his first words, all serious and determined and... some emotion in it she couldn't interpret. It seemed the apathy melted away, and the emotionless, leaving something else that was echoed in his voice. A softness, almost. It was a tone she rarely heard, and only ever from him, and it just... made her smile. And, of course, speechless; she had absolutely no idea how to respond to that simple two-word sentence.

Perhaps it was because she knew he cared. That might have caused it. His next words, though, made her laugh a bit, even as she became hyper-aware of the distance between them... and not liking it. It felt as if her breath had shortened as her heartbeat quickened. She wanted to move closer, but was afraid to; she wasn't sure why she was so hesitant, why she didn't just move, but something kept her rooted on the spot. She did, however, give a half-smile back in return. "Good," she said softly. "I like being with you, as well." Like being an understatement, of course. Wait, what? What did she just say? Her eyes widened a bit as she ran those words through her head again. That wasn't what he said; that was completely different! Oh, shit.

"Speech" "Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.