
man down



6 Years
Extra large

01-13-2017, 09:54 AM

He felt the life leave the raven within the clutch of his jaws and seemed to calm down, relaxing only slightly as he held his balance up on the rock. He noticed the woman walk ahead of him and peer back, though the color of her eyes and her indirect stare made it clear to him that she was blind. Suddenly, she spoke a name and he put the pieces together enough to know that he likely just murdered her guide. Why would Katar want him to do that?

He had to have known he was following a wolf, after all he had seen her tracks on his way here.. but he was too distracted by the haunting voice of his dead wife to really think about it. She knew-- he knew, that they were stalking this woman. Suddenly, his ears drooped as he stepped forward and dropped to the ground right in front of Storm. He stood, though his posture nearly looked defeated and he wasn't standing as tall as the giant could have. He dropped the bird at her feet and took advantage of his moment of clarity. A low rumble started in his throat as he thought of the appropriate words to say, "Jack is dead. I'm sorry, though you really shouldn't expect any less if you choose to keep snacks as pets."

A harsh sigh left his inky lips as he started to stand up straighter, looking around for any signs of his nearby traps. If she was blind, he already had a feeling that she'd be at risk of falling into one had he allowed her to leave on her own. He decided to wait and hear what she had to say about his little act, but already he'd made the internal decision to follow her and make sure she made it out of the garden without falling into and destroying one of his pits.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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