



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-14-2017, 08:08 PM
Who the hell can see forever?

Madness, what the hell was he doing? Sparks of adrenaline shivered down his limbs. Brandr knew the dangers of speaking to strangers but he no longer had his family, it wasn't like he could go through life never speaking to anyone. Everyone started out a stranger. However, he had to be ready to bolt should the other man turn out to be aggressive or touchy about his food. Brandr took steady breaths, slow and calculated as the stranger turned to him with a kind and welcoming look. Brandr started to breathe easier. The stranger certainly seemed nice! He took a few cautious and careful steps forward as the man as the other told him that he needed to be fast and quiet. Brandr nodded eagerly, his head bobbing up and down like an excited songbird. "Oh, oh I can be quiet! I can do that. I'm not sure I'm that fast though…" He had to be quiet when the raids occurred and he'd managed to hide from a bear earlier that spring but he wasn't sure if he was all that fast. He'd never really had anyone else to compare himself to.

"Happen to be hungry?"

Brandr bit his lower lip and looked away, ashamed to admit the gnawing rumbles that were clawing at his stomach. He willed them to be still. He was strong and he could take care of himself… but he also didn't want to lie. With a sigh his amber gaze turned up to the man. "Yea… but if you show me how you caught that then I won't be hungry any more right? I'll give you some of my catch for the lessons uhh…. is half ok?" He was sure he could get this fishing thing down.