
I'm just like you baby, I'm on the HUNT.



2 Years
01-14-2017, 08:28 PM

Dagmær kept her breaths deep and steady, suppling her working muscles with oxygen. She was a beast of stamina and she was not going to let this expecting cow out pace her, especially not in front of the older hunters. She had something to prove this day. Fangs snapped at the cow's hind leg closest to her. This was a dangerous game she was playing and she knew it. If the cow managed to kick her in the head it could all be over in an instant but the cow would have to slow to kick her and the chance of making her prey stumble made the risk worth it. If they couldn't get her on the ground then this meal was lost to them.

There! As the others moved in front of her the cow stumbled in a failed attempt at shifting her direction. In an instance Elias was upon the poor creature. Dagmær's legs bunched beneath her as she put on a burst of speed, leaping at the cow's left front leg, just above the elbow. Her fangs sang in and held fast, the sudden extra weight causing the cow to misstep and come crashing completely to the ground in a flailing tangle of hooves and sheer mass. She could feel the creature trying to stand, flailing wildly as it tried to dislodge the wolves, foam sputtering out of its mouth and nose. She was over-heating and loosing strength with every second but the battle wasn't over yet.

Dagmær risked leaving her hold on the leg and shifted towards the cow's head, fangs seeing the bison's throat just below the corners of it's jaw. Hoping she could get a strong enough bite to weaken the creature quickly while Elias bled it out.

Walk, "Talk" Think