
Flames of Power



3 Years
01-14-2017, 08:43 PM

The earth had darkened since the moon had risen, with the drop in temperature caused the inhabitants of the area to flee. Loud hissing sounds erupted as steam and smoke was jettisoned, large cracks in the ground glowed a light orange. It had caused a shot of curiosity to shoot up the tyrant's spine, blackened ears twitching each time the hissing flared violently. -I am one- Shifting tri-colored fur were rippling like steady ocean waves, oxidized gaze scanning the area for signs of any sort of life. It had been a rather long journey for even the walking giant had grown tired, feeling the warm sensation of blood between his toes. -I am not normal-

-Underneath this ground is great power-
'"Sag mir, wie kann ich solche Kraft erlangen?"'

The tones of his voice were brutish and yet well mannered, for he was a rich master who held pure dominance and barbarity deep inside. A red serpent slipping silently out from russet tipped lips, rising into a Cheshire grin as the thoughts appeared inside. A chuckle was released from his throat that was barely audible, twin lunar eclipsed kissed eyes disappearing behind closed lids. -I am Unknown- There was no hesitation as his paws became one with the blackened soil, carrying him towards one of those large cracks upon the ground. His absolute glare looking at the division waiting quietly, once again watching in awe as power was shot into the sky. It had been far too long since he'd witnessed something that made him shake.

'"Ich werde eines Tages stärker werden als du"'

It was true that there had been many instances where the magma male had been afraid, but none of it had been recently in his life. Brawn relocated dispersing the hulking mass evenly, not having wanting to cause more paw strain within himself. He could smell very faint smells of those whom had passed before him. Though such thoughts were dismissed quickly, his features returning to the normal emotionless state. He'd begun to wonder what there as to do at this new place, despite standing here amongst himself in deep thought. -I am Fear-

'"Oh, dunkle Mutter. Erlauben Sie mir, Stärke zu solchen Niveaus zu gewinnen, die dieser Boden hält.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.