
Time to Explore!



2 Years
Extra large
01-14-2017, 09:18 PM

It was strange that it was getting warmer outside. He was used to seeing snow, and ice, and cold wet stuff. Now the snow was melting and sprigs of fresh green grass shot up through melting patches of snow and mud. It wasn't nearly as pretty as winter, but the new green stuff was certainly more interesting. It at least wasn't going to freeze his paws off if he stood in it for too long. The one thing he didn't quite appreciate was the way his fur was shedding off of him in patches. He didn't understand what it meant at first, but eventually he stopped noticing it and instead just took it as an opportunity to roll in the mud.

Rory was half asleep when his sister crept out of the den, but the faint sound of paw steps on the den floor drew him from his slumber. Eyes opened sleepily as he watched his twin's form slip away from his groggy vision. He blinked slowly, yawned widely, and then rose to his paws. He refrained from shaking the loose hairs from his pelt and instead took off after Kairi before she got too far ahead of him.

It wasn't long before he could see his smaller sibling with her nose to the ground. He grinned and instantly moved to a crouching position. He wasn't great at being silent, not yet, but he stalked after his sister with the hopes of creeping up on her. Once he felt like he was close enough he darted forward and leaped at her back with a wide grin and a puppyish attack-growl that wasn't nearly as fierce as he'd tried to make it sound.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]